About Us
For over a decade now, I have balanced my role as an Inbound Customer Service officer in the insurance industry with my passion for helping others.
On the 4th of October 2024, my husband & I celebrated 13 years as micro-entrepreneurs, a journey that began with my brother Michael and sister-in-law Ting introducing me to a business opportunity I never saw coming.
What I also didn’t expect was how deeply it would change me.
I come from a family where obesity and health struggles were constant shadows, and my own reflection in the mirror only added to my misery.
Weight issues, skin breakouts, wrinkles—I was stuck in an endless cycle of doctor's visits, drained of energy, and buried under layers of self-doubt.
My confidence was non-existent, my mental health in shambles, and I carried the heavy burden of feeling like I wasn’t enough—especially as a mother, a wife, and a above all, as a woman.
I longed to be the best mother my children could dream of.
I desired to be a vibrant and sensual wife for my husband, and a radiant friend to those I love.
But years ago, I felt so far from that vision of myself.
So, I took a leap—I immersed myself in health, wellness, and beauty seminars, desperate to find a way out of the darkness.
Then one day, it happened.
I was given the opportunity not only to transform my health and appearance but to build a business as an independent brand affiliate.
Slowly, slowly, almost inconceivable at first, everything began to shift. I discovered the supplements and skincare that worked specifically for me, and as I deepened my personal development, I began to understand the true power of these ingredients on my well-being.
The changes were profound.
I took back control of my health, my skin, and my energy. I rediscovered a sense of vitality I never thought I’d feel again. If you know what I mean ( wink-wink)
And the support I found in the health and wellness community was beyond anything I could’ve imagined.
The culmination of all this growth came when I won the Nuskin Global Southeast Asia Dream Team competition—a moment that encapsulated not just my physical transformation but the emotional and mental shift that had taken place within me.
Now, every morning, I wake up with excitement and every night I fill my mind and my heart with gratitude.
I get to live the benefits of health and beauty products tailored to me, while earning an income by sharing them with others.
Yes, I’ve invested thousands into personal development, supplements, and skincare, but what I’ve gained—tens of thousands in commissions, and a total mind, body, and spirit transformation—has been priceless.
Through consistency and dedication, I’ve unlocked happiness within myself. My confidence is unshakeable, my relationships with my children have flourished, and the bond with my husband has grown deeper, more loving. Almost every night actually!
Today, I stand as a woman who not only loves herself but respects herself.
My journey has gifted me physical health, emotional wellness, mental clarity, and financial freedom.
I am in control, I am happy, I am confident, and for the first time in a long time—I am genuinely excited for what’s to come!
And while others bash and berate me for who I am, I have become more determined to move forward and onwards indeed as my husband Michael and I prepare to skyrocket our NuSkin business by launching a new version of The Beauty Beach House of Wellness.
My name is Micaela, co-founder of the beauty beach house of wellness.
What else is possible?